Tuesday, December 31, 2013

"New year, New me..." Ehh.


While that "New year, new me" ish gets tired & old... I've made a list of things I need to change moving forward in life period, not just into a new year. While being an introvert and struggling with depression will make these really hard to do at times... I know I need to train my thoughts, which can change my actions. 

**** I'm posting it for accountability.****

1- Live more in the moment, and less in my head. I catch myself doing this way too much. I have a tendency to analyze, re-analyze, and overanalyze, then go back and analyze my overanalyzing of my analysis (lol) of every damn thing I do, say and think. Sometimes it's just really not that serious!

2- Stop handing out Fs. With my natural hair journey I've been, in a sense, liberated... and have cared a lot less about others' opinions of me. And while I've always kinda walked to the beat of my own one man band... there are these moments where occasionally I catch myself giving a few Fs, especially when I absolutely shouldn't. It's human nature to care how you make people feel, but if they're intent on feeling a way about you for no reason, no matter what... That's when it becomes their own personal problem. 
Says a lot about you if you're not feeling me. *shrugs

3- Be happy. My happiness isn't contingent on someone else's. I should do things I love, not what I think will appease to someone else's skewed view of me. If they don't like it... Too damn bad. 

4- Love freely and wholly. I tend to build a barrier that prevents me from doing so. while it's good to safeguard my heart from undeserving D-bags and A-holes... It's not ok to sabotage, and push away the good. I've done that a few too many times. 

5- Be less critical... Of myself. My toughest critic is me. And the one I'm most critical of... Is me. I know all my flaws and I find myself reminding myself of them whenever I get the chance. If I don't like it, change it. If it can't be changed, then I need to embrace it... And that critic in my head needs to have some seats and shut the hell up. Bound and gagged. 

6- Ditch the unsupportive people in my life. I have enough negativity bouncing around in my own head... I only need supportive people in my corner, not people routing for me in my face, but betting against me behind my back... Those mf's can all kick bricks with socks on. RS

7- Be less negative. In my practice of being a "realist", I've noticed that I'm a lot less optimistic than I should be. "I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist" ...things pessimists say. I have to admit my view is more pessimistic than it is real. I start everything with the expectation of failure, "falling doesn't hurt so bad when you're prepared to catch yourself and break the fall." But how can you enjoy the ride if you're so busy waiting... Pretty much planning the fall?

8- Stop dimming my light so that others can feel like they shine brighter. In my natural sense of being humble, I allow myself to shrink back in situations so that others can feel better about themselves. A lot of times in me doing that, that same person mistakes my humility for a lack of confidence and thinks (or pretends to think) they're better than me. Nah son. I'm learning I need to cut that ish out. I know I'm a baddie... (And I don't need confirmation, affirmation or permission to feel that way) I just don't feel like I need to proclaim it, but I'm definitely owning it, and imma start flaunting it. 

9- Work to completion on everything I've been planning on doing. Some are just ideas... Good ideas. Others I've started, but let my negative thoughts convince me to not finish. 


Thursday, July 18, 2013

Sleepless in NY: diary of a mad, black, insomniac

I have no peace of mind because my mind is never at peace.

 Its always racing, running, wandering to where it should not be.  Can't sleep at night because it never turns off, never shuts down, never eases up. Thoughts of what should be, could be, and would be fly thru my brain on a non stop loop. From one thought to another with out a break. Like a flight non stop with no stop over from New York to Japan straight away and back again with out even landing. 

No sleep, no rest, I'm always tired because my thoughts of yesterday's yesterdays haunt me... taunt me. And the thoughts erupt emotions I thought were buried long ago, but they rise like a resurrection; fresh and new like it just happened. 

All I want to do is sleep, fall at a sufficient time and rise at a decent one. But with the sleeplessness playing on my thoughts, dreams, feelings and emotions, I feel I could just fall asleep forever and never wake up. 

The sadness consumes me in the darkness of my room and the feeling of lonesome ness and helplessness spins me around in a dance I'd rather sit out. Swaying me, turning, twisting and dipping me relentlessly, all to the extended version of a  song that I can't stand. 

I just wanna sleep, close my eyes, mind on mute... Better yet turned off. 

I can't help but wonder if I'll ever get that sleep in my lifetime. Or will I have to wait the rest of my life, for the rest of my life; when it all finally fades to black... Sounds fade to a comforting mute... And I feel nothing at all. Now that sounds peaceful... Peace in mind... Mind at peace... Peaceful rest... Resting in peace.